age encryption in your browser

This website will help you encrypt a message using age encryption format.

Your message will be encrypted using the following public key:
Only the person having access to the corresponding private key will be able to read it.
Your message:
Your message encrypted:

Is it secure?

The encryption process happens entirely in your browser. Our servers do not receive your message, either before or after encryption. You can verify it by checking for requests in your browser's developer tools (F12).

Therefore this process is as secure as your browser. Be mindful of browser extensions, some of which may send everything you type to their servers.

For maximum security, do not use this website and perform the encryption in your console instead. Install age or rage and use the command:

age -a -r age102gnp7e5fxg4gqc94scp39pzd77neng2w83nwtsea4e0qut9yvdqtrtfyw

How to send the message?

Copy the encrypted text from above and paste it in your favourite email or messaging app. This website does not handle message delivery, just encryption.

How to publish my public key?

Go to the front page and follow the instructions.